Thursday, July 16, 2009

They Don't Even Want It!

I have become a fan of Steven Crowder over the last few weeks. His comedic style of presenting political arguments brings some change to the debate. Recently, he posted this video which, I feel, many should watch when it comes to debating "Universal Healthcare."

In this video Steven Crowder, who has dual citizenship in the United States and Canada, displays what the typical Canadian goes through to be treated. Needless to say, it does seem to be a process that I would want to go through in the states. The best part, though, is that several times he is told it would be better to get PRIVATE insurance. Even Canadians don't want Universal healthcare! So, why are we wanting it?

A few months ago I had several friends from Ottawa come to visit Massachusetts. During the night one of them, who was not used to the bedroom in which he was in, woke up and hit his head on a shelf near his bed. Two of his Canadian friends took him to the Emergency Room down the road. That afternoon I caught up with them at a barbecue and laughed at the fact that my friend had his head wrapped in bandages. In the end he needed several stitches to close up the hole in his head.

What I found surprising was that all of them were smiling. After a few visits to the ER I've become wary on going because it is a miserable experience. Yet, these guys were amazed by their experience there. I asked why. Well, they were surprised that they were seen within a little over an hour after coming into the ER. In the end they were only there for over two and a half hours. They admitted to me that had they been in Canada it would have taken at least six to ten hours. I find this appalling! One of my friends even admitted that he had private health insurance, which he paid for out of pocket, in Michigan. He stated that it was easier and cheaper to drive over the border to see a doctor than it was to get involved in the system.

Is this what we want? I sure hope some of us wake up and start asking questions before we are forced with this monstrosity.

Monday, July 13, 2009

And the Point of This is?

Today, I attempted to watch the hearings on the appointment of Judge Sonia Sotomayor to the Supreme Court of the United States of America (SCOTUS). After almost a half hour I changed the channel completely disgusted with the farce that was being perpetrated.

The point of a confirmation hearing is to find out whether or not a person is qualified for a certain position. This is usually done by asking tough questions and listening to a person's response. Essentially, it is the scariest job interview in America. Now, some positions don't need much to be done in order to get confirmed. However, in this case we are interviewing a person who will sit on the highest court in our nation for the rest of her life. With that said one would think that our Congressmen would take this seriously.

Instead, during my brief viewing, I was treated to a joke of a pagaentry. All of the Congressmen were simply grandstanding and giving long winded speeches about the life story of Judge Sotomayor. They were congratulating her on her hard life and upbringing and blah blah blah. It was almost as if these men were running for office shortly and wanted the American public to know where they stand politically.

The issue that arises is that this whole process is rendered pointless if one is not going to ask the questions to find out what are the Judge's qualifications. It appears as if she is simply going to get the job because she was appointed by the messiah... I mean our current President. Knowing that her appointment is all but quarenteed our Congressmen see this as an opportunity to run for office and get there two minute soundbyte out there to the voting public.

This is a scary idea. It goes to show that our Congress is only serving themselves and not the American public. They are more concerned with staying in power then things like the Constitution, our nation, or what happens to you or me.

In the end I doubt we will ever know what the Judge stands for until she starts to rule on laws that will affect you and me. Is she good or bad for the position? I don't know because yesterday I did not hear even one question asked about her qualifications, what she believes in, how she has ruled on cases, or anything that would help me determine whether or not she is right for the job. Maybe our Congressmen can start asking real questions or maybe its simply time to vote these clowns out of office and enstate term limits.

Oh by the way Judge Sotomayor has had four of her decisions overturned by the Supreme Court.

Friday, July 10, 2009

More Double Standards!

If one wanted an example as to what is wrong with the American justice system, he could simply point to the case of Donte Stallworth.

Earlier in the year, after a night of drinking, Stallworth decided to drive home. On his way home he struck and killed a man who was on his way to work. It was proven that Stallworth was under the influence of alcohol while driving after a blood test determined his BAC to be .126. He was then charged with OUI manslaughter and faced the possibility of fifteen years in prison. The average prison sentence in the state of Florida is usually between five and eight years.

However, Stallworth is a professional football player (for the Cleveland Browns) and a celebrity. So, after pleading guilty to the charges, he was sentenced to serve only thirty days in prison (yes you did read that right). Well, as of this morning this person is walking free after serving only twenty-four days of his sentence. Now, his license has been permenantly suspended and he faces eight years on probation. The NFL has also indefinitely suspended Stallworth.

Does the punishment fit the crime? Of course not. Instead this is another classic example of celebrities and athletes being treated better than the rest of society. The law has become a joke to these people because they know they can get away with murder. If you or I were charged with this crime we would probably be in jail for the full fifteen years. Instead this person gets to go on living his life while another man is dead.

No wonder why there is such disillusionment within the confines of the legal system. People know that there are double standards in the law which will work against the common man. Now, I'm not advocating that the common man should get the same treatment as a celebrity. Instead, I advocate the opposite. Justice is suppose to be blind! A celebrity should have the same standard put upon them as the common man. The rich man should be equal to the poor man and the middle-class man. Asian, Black, Latino, White, Blue, Green, or whatever color one is should not matter. Our system was based on the idea that all men and women are treated equally under the eyes of the law. No one person is better than the other.

This horrific episode just goes to show how flawed the system truly is.

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Double Standards!

Yesterday, a calm and composed Senator by the name of Jim DeMint (R-SC) attempted to introduce an amendment to a bill being debated on the floor of the Senate. The amendment was based from a similar one introduced into the House of Representatives by Ron Paul (R-TX). It would call for an open audit (GAO) of the Federal Reserve and for the findings to be reported to Congress by the end of the 2010 fiscal year. However, shortly after his speech the Senate Democrats quickly countered the amendment by citing an obscure rule.

The rule is known as "Rule 16" which prevents certain items from being added on to legislation. There is sound reasoning behind this rule, yet, there is also a slight issue with the opponents of this amendment in invoking it. This issue being that most of the amendments proposed to this legislation by the Senate Democrats violate "Rule 16." After being rebuked, Senator DeMint promptly went into action to bring this to the forefront.

This video serves as a great example as to whats wrong with our current Congress. When a rule serves to help out one party it is envoked in a flash, yet, ignored by that same party. There is a double standard for the party thats in power. Neither group is willing to "reach across the aisle" and instead our legislation is always held hostage along party lines. This is contrary to what the American public was promised during the last presidential election. Both parties are guilty of this practice and in the end the ones suffering are the American public.