Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Double Standards!

Yesterday, a calm and composed Senator by the name of Jim DeMint (R-SC) attempted to introduce an amendment to a bill being debated on the floor of the Senate. The amendment was based from a similar one introduced into the House of Representatives by Ron Paul (R-TX). It would call for an open audit (GAO) of the Federal Reserve and for the findings to be reported to Congress by the end of the 2010 fiscal year. However, shortly after his speech the Senate Democrats quickly countered the amendment by citing an obscure rule.

The rule is known as "Rule 16" which prevents certain items from being added on to legislation. There is sound reasoning behind this rule, yet, there is also a slight issue with the opponents of this amendment in invoking it. This issue being that most of the amendments proposed to this legislation by the Senate Democrats violate "Rule 16." After being rebuked, Senator DeMint promptly went into action to bring this to the forefront.

This video serves as a great example as to whats wrong with our current Congress. When a rule serves to help out one party it is envoked in a flash, yet, ignored by that same party. There is a double standard for the party thats in power. Neither group is willing to "reach across the aisle" and instead our legislation is always held hostage along party lines. This is contrary to what the American public was promised during the last presidential election. Both parties are guilty of this practice and in the end the ones suffering are the American public.

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