Friday, June 12, 2009

Must Read for the Weekend.

Common Sense: The Case Against An Out-Of-Control Government by Glenn Beck.

I heard about this book and given Glenn Beck's track record I decided it would be worth checking out. As most of you know Glenn Beck has a talk show on radio in the mornings and on Fox News in the evening. He has written several other books that you should check out.

Now, for those of you who watch or listen to Glenn Beck on a regular basis you will find the arguments brought forth in the first half of the book to be nothing new. The first hundred pages are a rehash of arguments he has made on his radio and television shows. He does, however, clear up some of the arguments by providing some good examples. For those of you who are not regulars to Mister Beck then the first half is definitely work looking at. There are some good arguments to be made.

The reason why I say that this is a must read is for the last sixty or so pages. Glenn Beck includes Thomas Paine's original "Common Sense." I remember reading Paine while in college and didn't give him much thought. Yet, after rereading this piece I found myself to be amazed at the arguments he brought forth in 1776 and how well they applied to government today. Honestly, its an amazing piece of work which should be closely looked at even today.

Overall, its an easy read and a very short book, but, it is very profound.

You can buy this book here.

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