Monday, April 27, 2009

A response...

I've been a follower of Michael Graham's blog for a long time now ( A recent item he covered got me to thinking so for the first time I decide to reply. Here is my response to him talking about how the Boston Globe reporting and math skills are a bit below par:

Not to defend the Globe here... but... Recently, I was in North Carolina to look at graduate schools and I noticed that their taxes are a bit weird. While they do have a low tax rate of 4.5% they also have County Tax which varies. For example the county tax in Wake County is 1.75% so tax comes in at 6.25% (which is higher than Mass).
I guess that I am merely splitting hairs here, but, there is more to this. The thing is I don't mind paying more tax there. Overall, the tax burden is much less in North Carolina than it is here. While sales tax is slightly higher, the state taxes much less items overall then in good ole Taxachusetts. This new tax hike is horrible. It is the government saying that if we can't tax you one way we will tax you another way. No matter what! And what happens? People like me with a degree (not to be all high and mighty) ended up leaving the state. So, now you have less people to tax and a brain drain starting in this state. Which in turn means more taxes next year.
How about this Massachusetts... cut the spending. If you don't have the money stop spending so much. Its what I've done during this recession why can't my government do the same. I think this is particularly funny timing; coming after the Tea Parties... Oh well! I guess those in power will never learn.

For those of you who have not heard of Michael Graham he is a local radio talk show host in Boston on 96.9 FM. He is amazing to listen to for those of you who are of the moderate persuasion. Keep up the good work Michael Graham.

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