Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Why you should be mad!

During this recession, you, the common man, have had to change your lifestyle. You can afford less, so you spend less. You have been forced to shop around for the best deals so that your dollar can buy you as much as possible. You have cut unnecessary spending, taken shorter or no vacations, worked for longer hours.

Is your government doing the same? No!

You have let it be known that you are worried. Many of you attended the Tea Parties across the United States of America in protest of spending. Through blogs, protests, phone calls, letters, and emails you have told your representatives that you are mad and don't want this trend to continue.

Are your representatives listening? No!

So, Americans (especially those in my soon to be ex-home state of Taxachusetts) I say be mad. You have every right to be upset with the way the system is running. However, I ask one thing. Do not roll over and take it! Do not just mumble under your breath that this is business as usual; that this will never change! Get upset and use your anger for action. Vote those whom you deem the biggest liars, cheats, and thieves out of office. Run for office yourself! Take action!

Just say to yourself that enough is enough. Your government no longer represents your interest and has become your master. In Massachusetts they tell you that if you don't like "Tax A" then that's fine because they will just go to "Tax B" or "Tax C". They will get your money one way or another. In the end what do you get out of paying your unrepresentative government? Nothing! Programs are being cut, teachers/police/firefighters are being laid off, hell we can't even keep the lights on in certain cities (such as in the dirty 'burg). Yet, the government still wants more of your money.

There is a way to stop this! There is a way to simply cut spending! However, it all starts with you. So be mad and do something!

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