Thursday, May 7, 2009

Banned in the U.K.

Quick back story. When I first went to college I majored in Computer Science and Computer Information Systems. I quickly became disenfranchised with the department. I had a political science class one semester with a professor who was simply amazing. That same semester I read an amazing book called To End A War by Richard Holbrooke which convinced me to change my majors to History and Political Science. I wanted to catch up on current political arguments and views, so, I quickly bought a few books. The first one was by Sean Hannity, who I liked, but, found to be a bit too conservative. I then bought a book by Michael Savage which I could not put down. I then proceeded to buy his next two books and read them by the end of the week. Now, I didn't agree with Mr. Savage 100% of the time, but, I found his arguments interesting and the fact that he was not afraid to hold the punches to be amazing. Unfortunately, Michael Savage is no longer available on the radio in my area, therefore, I've not kept up to date with his works.

Fast forward to today. I'm reading the BBC news (because quite frankly it is the only good newsite) and to my amazement there is an article stating the Michael Savage has been BANNED from entering the United Kingdom. First, I would like to state that I firmly believe in sovereignty and the fact that the United Kingdom has every right to ban somebody for even no reason. Yet, Michael Savage, I mean come on! The Secretary of the Home Office (or whatever her title is) Jackie Smith published a list of twenty-two (22) persons whom she believes are a threat and should be banned from the country. Amongst those on the list are the former Grand Wizard of the Ku Klux Klan, Russian Neo-Nazis, and Islamic Clerics. Some on this list deserve to be, such as those who have actually killed people or asked for people to be killed in their name.

So, the United Kingdom has lumped a radio talk show host in with killers. Makes sense! According to Ms. Smith all of these persons would cause "tension" within the community of Britain. Therefore, they are not welcome. Now, I can see a murderer causing tension or a cleric on his platform saying kill those infidels, but, a radio talk show host who questions the status qou? I mean come on. This is defintiely political and I have no clue why. I'm infuriated to see this man defamed because someone wants to make a political gain in her country.

Yet, in the end she has every right to do this. I just hope that Britains come to their senses and realize that there are others whom are more deserving to be on this list. Hmmm... lets think about this for a second...
1. Osama Bin Laden
2. Kim Jong-Il
3. Mahmoud Ahmadinejad
... oh wait it is ok for these guys to travel to the UK even though they are responsible for the deaths or suffering of millions. But, nooooo not a radio talk show host.

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