Friday, May 22, 2009

Must Read for the Weekend.

Liberal Fascism: The Secret History of the American Left, from Mussolini to the Politics of Meaning by Jonah Goldberg.

Honestly, this book might be a must read for two weekends. At times it can be a bit dense, but, there is an abundance of sound arguments to overcome this slight issue.

Jonah Goldberg has written for the likes of the Wall Street Journal and the Times of London and is currently a columnist for the Los Angeles Times.

The basic argument that Goldberg focuses on is that of "do liberals, or the left, also display fascistic tendencies?" The idea that conservatives are often labeled as "Fascists" and not the left is the impetus for the book. Goldberg argues that Fascism is not simply a left or right ideology, it is all encompassing. Modern day progressives are just as fascist as those on the far right.

The first half of the book focuses on the historical trends in history which have led to fascistic regimes. It explores times in which the American government has been or has put forth fascist programs. It then compares them to periods in time which led to the rise of Hitler and Mussolini. Overall, the first half of the book is amazing for anyone interested in political history.

The second half of the book takes a critical look of the modern day progressive movement. A whole chapter is dedicated to Hillary Clinton bashing (which isn't a bad thing). It serves as a warning for what can become if one follows "feel good politics." At times this half of the book can become a bit conservative, but, the overall message being put forth is worth thinking about. In the end, it is an eye-opening book written in an intelligent and often times witty manner.

You can buy this book here.

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