Friday, May 8, 2009

Must Read for the Weekend.

While Europe Slept: How Radical Islam is Destroying the West from Within. By Bruce Bawer

While this book has been out for awhile, I finally got around to reading it. Quite frankly, this book is amazing, I could not put it down for one minute. It is extremely well written and thought provoking.

Bawer takes the reader on a journey through his experiences while in Europe. From the Netherlands to Norway to Denmark and beyond, he shares his first hand accounts of an issue that has been arising for years in Western Europe. This issue is that of radical Islamization of European Society.

Bawer offers the opinion that the societies of tolerance have begun to tolerate intolerance. That governments have gone out of the way to help Muslims gain entrance into their countries. However, he discusses how it has become apparent that these new immigrants have not integrated into their nations and instead create their own villages. Within these villages Muslims enforce Shar'ia and not the laws of the nation. Ultimately, he argues through immigration and fertility rates Muslims will become a large enough minority to affect the politics and ways of a nation.

Yet, he also argues that these nations have been blinded by poor media and political elites. Their hatred for the United States of America and Israel has caused them to turn a blind eye to the real problems that they are facing. All of this is done through the telling of first hand accounts of Bawer or news articles/shows in said nations. While this is not a scholarly work it still is an amazing read which will open your eyes.

You can buy this book here.

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